PBL Leadership - Three Structures Every Leader Must Protect for PBL to Thrive | E101

Season #5 Episode #101

 Leaders often wonder how they can be advocates for Project Based Learning in their classrooms. I talk about the three structures that will create an environment where PBL can flourish if you as a leader protect them. This week's “need to know” is related to our main topic of being an advocate for PBL. 

How can leaders learn about PBL if they are already out of the classroom? I talk about the importance of having a mindset of creating a learner centered environment for your staff which will empower their PBL efforts. 


Episode Highlights: 

[03:11] How do you learn about PBL when you're a leader that isn't in the classroom?

[04:02] Get the learner centered growth mindset of Project Based Learning. Empower your staff to teach themselves about Project Based Learning. 

[06:05] How you can be a PBL advocate and why. 

[07:40] 1. Ensure that district initiatives don't hinder or undermine the Project Based Learning work.

[10:13] 2. Allow the freedom of when and how the curriculum is taught. Rigid based plans can hinder Project Based Learning. 

[12:09] 3. Make sure that your teacher evaluations don't penalize teachers for using PBL. 


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