PBL Leadership - How do I bring Project Based Learning to my school/district? High Level Design Days | E95

Season #5 Episode #95

 We are talking about two schools today. One had a design plan for bringing in Project Based Learning. The other school didn't have a succession plan. I'm also going to give you the backstory for these design days and how it goes when you have a succession plan and when you don't.

We also dive into concerns about a community partner taking over your class with their own agenda in today’s “need to know.” This can be a real concern, but I’ve never heard of that happening. You bring in the community partner, so you choose a partner that you know well enough that problems won’t happen. 


Episode Highlights: 

[02:23] If you're bringing in a community partner, you should know them well enough to know whether or not they're going to bring their own agenda.

[03:17] Find a person that fits and have the discussion beforehand.

[05:24] The first school brought in PBL. They did great training and had a principal that was fired up. They went through PBL Jumpstart and PBL Advanced. They did amazing things and really served their learners. 

[06:08] They didn't invest in the coaching at the administrative level to create a succession plan. When the principal moved on PBL disappeared.

[08:43] What are the systems and processes that are in place that aren't just built around you as a dynamic leader?

[12:33] You need time to think about the plans and the processes for your specific customized environment. Have a future plan in place, so when you move on your work doesn't die.

[14:15] Put out your North Star and create grassroots momentum by inviting people into your vision.

[17:21] Living the Project Based Learning process engages students, learners, principals and superintendents. The mindset goes through every level when living out this process on every level.


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