What Does A Leader Need to Know About Project Based Learning? And How to Learn It! | E93

Season #5 Episode #93

 This PBL Leadership episode is about increasing your PBL knowledge. The big question that people often ask is how to bring PBL to my school or district. I'm going to talk about doing PBL well in a way that makes it sustainable for your school or district. Building PBL knowledge is the main focus today.

People often ask if their PBL unit has to revolve around a real problem. We have strong feelings about this, and I discuss why you need to bring authenticity to the classroom in today’s “need to know”. In our PBL Jumpstart or certification we talk about real problems that need to be solved, because authenticity turns into aspirations. 


Episode Highlights: 

[02:20] "Need to Know" Does your PBL unit have to revolve around real world problems? We actually think it does need to be a real world problem that brings authenticity to your classroom. 

[02:48] When you go through PBL Jumpstart or Certification, we are going to be talking about real problems that need to be solved.

[03:14] You don't want to skill and drill learners that are behind in the language arts because the context and authenticity gives them extra handholds to pin their learning to. 

[06:42] As a leader, you should have some knowledge around Project Based Learning. Listening to this podcast is a great start. 

[08:59] As you build your PBL knowledge, you also start to ask the right questions. Where do standards fit? How do your Community Partners tie in?

[11:04] At some point, you're going to want to visit a PBL school. Bring the stakeholders that matter most for school change. 

[15:48] Once you build your knowledge, bring others alongside you like your teachers. 


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