Leader of Leaders | E91
Dr. Dan Kreiness from Leader of Learning is an instructional leader, podcast host, author, and speaker. He constantly looks for ways to advance education and produce high student learning. His dissertation was “Transformational Leadership to Inspire Growth Mindset in Classroom Teachers.”
We dive into transformational leadership and what could hold teachers and students back. We talk about having a balance of technology in the classroom and how to alleviate teacher resistance to creating a student-centered classroom. He also shares some student stories and the best way to start getting teachers comfortable with Project Based Learning.
Episode Highlights:
[02:35] Dan wanted to find a way for school leaders to help combat teacher resistance to change. He also wrote his dissertation on this and having a growth mindset.
[04:59] We're still seeing teachers who are resistant to turning time over to students and trusting and empowering them.
[05:51] Dan's “why” is to help educators grow their impact as instructional leaders.
[08:12] Dan shares an amazing student story that helps illustrate why he is so passionate about growth and impact.
[12:42] He has great guests on his Leader of Learning podcast. Dan brings guests that will teach him a lot. He's also noticed that teacher's are struggling with instructional technology.
[14:52] Students will need to use technology for future readiness. You need to find a balance with blended learning.
[18:31] To implement Project Based Learning, you have to get teachers and staff comfortable with releasing control over to the students.
Resources & Links Related to this Episode
- What is PBL?
- Ask Ryan
- Magnify Learning YouTube
- Project Based Learning Stories and Structures: Wins, Fails, and Where to Start
- Magnify Learning
- Ryan Steuer Twitter @ryansteuer
- PBL Workshops For Schools & Districts
- Community Partner Resources
- Leader of Learning
- Leader of Learning Podcast
- Dr. Dan Kreiness YouTube
- Dr. Dan Kreiness LinkedIn
- Dr. Dan Kreiness Twitter
- Dr. Dan Kreiness Instagram
- Books by Dan Kreiness