PBL Leadership - Writing Your Book | E75
We are now PBL Simplified, a name that matches my book coming out in January of 2023. I'm taking project-based learning and simplifying it, so you can bring it to your school, classroom, or district. Recently, tons of questions about how to write a book, publish, etc. have come up in my mastermind group. It's such a hot topic that I'm talking about it today.
In the next two leadership episodes, I'm going to be talking about writing a book. Our "Need to Know" is going to be about finding the topic of the book, because everybody has a book in them. Then we move on to our main topic which is how to get started writing a book. We kick off with the first three steps to getting your book on its way.
Episode Highlights:
[02:36] Find your topic: What gets you fired up? What do you often say? If you're a leader, you probably have a saying that you start every meeting with.
[03:38] My tagline used to be life is choices.
[06:23] There are six steps to writing a book: vision and goals, outline, big picture writing, share your first draft, find an editor, and get a publisher.
[07:19] Find your vision and goal. Why do you want to write the book? What's your vision and the topic that you are passionate about?
[13:47] Outline: I like to use an old fashioned mind map. Major topics will become chapters. You can then formulate your ideas.
[16:38] Start big picture writing. Do not edit! Get some words on the page. Don't limit yourself. Create time for this.
Resources & Links Related to this Episode
- What is PBL?
- Ask Ryan
- Magnify Learning YouTube
- Project Based Learning Stories and Structures: Wins, Fails, and Where to Start
- Magnify Learning
- Ryan Steuer Twitter @ryansteuer
- Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done
- Soundtracks: The Surprising Solution to Overthinking
- All It Takes Is A Goal With Jon Acuff
- Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen