Student Empowerment and Mindset - Marianne Renner TEDx | E74

Season #5 Episode #74

 Marianne Renner is a transformational leadership coach with a fantastic backstory. By the time she was 32, she had owned her own business, founded a nonprofit for at-risk youth, was a bodybuilding champion, and led youth dance teams. She shares this remarkable story in her TEDx Talk. 

We talk about how important mindset is for teachers and students. We talk about the fast pace of change that educators face and how to deal with it in a way that calms the mind and sets an example for the learners. Marianne shares inspiring insights on how we can’t control what’s happening, so we must focus on what we can control. 


Episode Highlights: 

[04:15] Marianne's TEDx talk was about overcoming fear and resistance. This is a mind blowing story about the strength of the kids she was teaching. 

[09:19] Stay focused on your passion and stay focused on your purpose.

[09:56] Marianne works with educators across the country on mindset and change processes.

[10:41] With all of the unprecedented change, educators are experiencing change fatigue. Self-awareness is the first key to change.

[13:55] We have choices in the thoughts we think. Focus on what's in your control to gain empowerment. Marianne would tell the kids that they are the writers of their own life story.

[19:07] Educator leaders would benefit from understanding predictable patterns of change such as denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

[22:46] Using the Grow Your Control worksheet. 


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