Leadership Episode - Mission Drift - Impact | E73

Season #5 Episode #73

 We have a name change coming up. We'll be switching from PBL Playbook to PBL Simplified, because that's what we're doing. We are simplifying project based learning. We also have a YouTube channel with the same name and my book is coming out in January of 2023. This leadership episode is all about the impact of your vision being fully implemented. 

Our opening "Need to Know" is about why your students may not get excited when you first try PBL. We tried it, and the kids didn’t get excited. Why? The easy answer is authenticity. You may need to bring in a true expert of whatever your project is. On our main topic I go over vision and the impact on your school three years from now if your vision was fully implemented. 


Episode Highlights: 

[04:03] If you are trying  Project Based Learning and the students or teachers aren't engaged, authenticity is lacking somewhere in the process. 

[07:59] If your vision is fully implemented, 3 years from now, what will be the impact on your school? How will you measure success? Test scores and a staff culture survey. You may need to struggle with this, because the work is so personal.

[11:07] What gets you most excited as a leader? Once your vision is implemented, what are you freed up to do? Do you make time for deep work? How is everyone impacted?

[14:19] When learners start talking about PBL, it means they are excited and they tell their parents. The impact of kids telling their parents about school is huge.

[16:39] What makes this work worth it? Your vision plan is a lot of work. What would the impact be if people understood your clearly defined vision and carried it out?


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