Principal Crazy Cycle - Jethro Jones | E70

Season #5 Episode #70

 This bonus interview features Jethro Jones, author of How To Be A Transformative Principal, ​a book with over 400 interviews on how to be a successful principal. He's been in the podcasting and educational space for nearly a decade. Jethro is the host of the Transformative Principal Podcast. 

Jethro wants every student to feel seen and heard and become successful. In this episode we talk about how a clear vision will bring the right people to your school. The principal gets to say what the school is about. This episode shares a wonderful vision of creating real-world opportunities for students. 

Episode Highlights: 

[03:44] Jethro learned that school wasn't designed for him. It was designed for the ease of adults. He wanted to help make sure that every student felt seen and heard by their school. 

[05:35] Vision is vital for an educational leader. Without a vision, people don't know what their purpose is.

[07:06] Jethro talks about bringing teachers in that will allow students to have real-world opportunities.

[14:36] We talk about expressing gratitude to the staff and taking away obstacles without taking the problems on ourselves. 

[21:08] We learn so much more through experience and failure. 

[23:28] Creating a vision and making sure teachers are catching that vision and being successful teachers. 


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