Co-Teaching in PBL | E55
Welcome to the PBL Playbook, brought to you by Magnify Learning – where we put teachers back in their sweet spot. Make sure you follow us on Twitter: @magnifylearning, @askgiebs, @MissB103, #PBLPlaybook.
In this episode of the PBL Playbook, our hosts chat with Andrew Larson (@andrewmlarson) and Bajorn Gaylord from CSA New Tech (@CSANewTechHS) in Columbus, IN. Larson and Gaylord are co-facilitators of a class called Global Science Perspectives (GSP), which is a class that integrates Environmental Science and 9th grade English. As long-time friends but first year co-teachers, the two build trust and respect through a co-teaching contract where they identified and decided on norms for grading, deadlines, planning, etc. This set the stage for their amazing co-teaching relationship, with a cohesion that both strengthens their content and demonstrates real-time, transparent collaboration for their students. For schools that are able to utilize co-teaching as a tool to help support PBL, this conversation is a great starting point to develop a strong co-teaching relationship.
Enjoy this episode, and stay tuned for more great content coming from the PBL Playbook every month!
Music from
"Waking Up" by Attaboy (