A Dream (Still) Deferred PBL Unit, PBL Project Blitz | E41

Season #4 Episode #41

 Welcome to the PBL Playbook, brought to you by Magnify Learning – where we put teachers back in their sweet spot. Make sure you follow us on Twitter: @magnifylearning, @askgiebs, @MissB103, #PBLPlaybook.

Josh and Andrea continue the PBL Project Blitz series where once a month, they highlight a PBL project by veterans in the PBL classroom. 

In this episode of the PBL Project Blitz series, our hosts are joined by John Brewer (@mrbrewerenglish) from the Academy @ Shawnee (@ShawneeAcademy) in Louisville, KY to discuss his project called “A Dream (Still) Deferred". This project goes deep to tackle some moral realities and problems that exist in our world today. In this three-part project, students analyzed the idea of humanizing language to evaluate and address some of the polarities that exist between people and groups. As John describes, this project took a life of its own as the real-world application and demand for the end product became clear as his students tackled tough, real-world issues through literature and first-hand accounts.

Stay tuned for more awesome projects as the PBL Project Blitz series continues every month!

Music from https://attaboyonline.com/home#music

"Waking Up" by Attaboy (https://attaboyonline.com/home#music)