Standards-Based Grading-Assessment in PBL Series Part 3 | E7
Welcome to the PBL Playbook, brought to you by Magnify Learning – where we put teachers back in their sweet spot. Make sure you follow us on Twitter: @magnifylearning, @askgiebs, @MissB103, #PBLPlaybook.
In this episode, Josh and Andrea conclude their mini series on assessment by chatting with Michael McDowell (@mmcdowell13), Superintendent of the Ross School District in Northern California and author of Rigorous PBL by Design about the use of standards-based grading (SBG). McDowell gives a definition of SBG and why it is a useful method of assessment. He then talks about what SBG looks like in his own school district and what proof he uses to justify that this method of assessment is working. Then they discuss high achieving students who tend to “play school well,” and what concerns they raised based on this system of grading – as well as the value of SBG for those particular students. Here, McDowell also discusses the culture in his district and how a culture of learning and SBG go hand-in-hand. They talk about first steps for teachers who want to start utilizing SBG in their own classrooms. McDowell leaves listeners with some resources to begin their SBG journey. For these recommendations, check out the episode webpage on our website. Finally, Josh and Andrea finish out the episode discussing the ways in which SBG fits into a PBL framework.
Be sure to check out the first two episodes in the Assessment in PBL series, wherever you get your podcasts.
*For more PBL Resources and PBL professional development opportunities check out the Magnify Learning Website: