PBL Showcase: Project Based Learning and Complex Schedules | E8

Season #1

In this PBL Showcase episode, host Ryan Steuer sits down with Kyle Anderson, a passionate educator from Granville Public Schools in Michigan. Kyle shares his experiences as a teacher and coordinator for academically talented learners in the newly launched third and fourth grade IMAGE program. They dive into the challenges and triumphs of introducing project-based learning (PBL) in a new school environment. Kyle discusses the intentionality behind his school’s launch, building a culture of belonging, and practical strategies for implementing PBL in a complex schedule.

  • Launching a new school requires a focus on belonging and fun. The principal of Kyle's school spent a year and a half planning for the launch and creating a house system to foster belonging.
  • It's important to have realistic expectations when launching a new school. There will be challenges and things that don't go perfectly.
  • Teachers need to support each other, especially during challenging times.
  • PBL can be used to serve a wider range of students. Kyle's school has been able to use PBL during win time to serve students who wouldn't have qualified for his pull-out program.
  • Need to knows are an important part of PBL, but they can be challenging to address in a time-constrained schedule.
  • Teachers can use a variety of strategies to address need to knows, such as post-it notes, exit tickets, and wonder walls.
  • It's important to allow students to ask questions, even if they are not content-specific. Asking questions helps students learn and develop their inquiry skills.
  • Teachers should be open to new ideas and approaches, such as artificial intelligence.


Connect with Kyle:

Instagram and LinkedIn: kyleranderson57